

Because dynamic changes caused by new software must be strategically well planned.

Softwarestrategie bevor Softwaredevelopment beginnt

Developing software-oriented strategies

The introduction and networking of software brings changes. Both direct and
and indirect, the effects of which develop dynamically and with varying
weighting. We offer you the necessary insights.

Networking & new interfaces

Cross-divisional or cross-organizational information transfer

Modern software is networked via interfaces with other technical systems or with people. But the roles are dynamic. People can be suppliers or customers.

The role behavior between organizations behaves in the same way. This brings with it high demands in terms of interface design. Connections to new customers, suppliers and partners must be established quickly, preferably in real time. And they must also be severed again. Increasingly, software decides independently which connections are established and when.

Data is exchanged between the systems. With regard to data protection, as well as data use and the new opportunities and business models resulting from this, software design must be defined as part of the implementation strategy.

Stand out

In the future, your organization will have to do more to stand out more clearly from the competition and to discover new high-revenue business areas. But equally, to identify shrinking areas early on. It’s time to find creative solutions that work for both you and your target market; solutions that also bring digitalization into play.

HighPots supports with technical interconnections

We support you in identifying the consequences of new interfaces or the introduction of individual software. Where are the risks and how high are they? Where are the opportunities and what are the financial benefits? Which interfaces should be started with, how to prioritize?

Unsere Mission

Es ist unsere Mission, Ihnen dabei zu helfen die Chancen zu nutzen, die sich bieten. An welcher Stelle Ihre Anliegen bei der Einführung von Software auch liegen und in welchem Markt auch immer – wir wissen, an welchen Punkten wir ansetzen müssen, um ein profitables Wachstum beizubehalten.